When you open WhatsApp, you'll see a list of messages at the top Examine this list for messages you did not send any messages you received from people you do not know STEPS TO CHECK IF SOMEONE IS USING YOUR WHATSAPP ACCOUNT:

Open a browser on your PC and navigate to the WhatsApp web.You'll be asked to scan a QR code, which you can obtain by opening WhatsApp Web in your browser.Choose "WhatsApp Web." This activates your camera for use in the following step.

Tap the three vertical dots menu icon in the main WhatsApp window to launch a WhatsApp Web session on your tablet or phone.STEPS TO SECURELY SIGN IN TO YOUR WHATSAPP ACCOUNT: Because of the nature of WhatsApp, it's critical to act quickly if you suspect your account has been compromised. However, as with anything connected to the internet, there are security flaws that malicious individuals are all too eager to exploit. With features like one login at a time and two-factor authentication, the platform is relatively secure. By India Today Web Desk: WhatsApp, like many other online applications, strives to keep its users' data private and secure.